Phoebe© is Your Digital Team Coach and Communication Facilitator

Digital Team Coach

Powerful Software

Phoebe© 1.0 - The ‘Digital Team Coach’ is

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Perceived Value & Benefits

Improved Communication between Management and Employees

Better Decisions - Management to know the current company culture, take the right action faster

Employees to be better informed about daily team situation

Employees get encouraged to share ideas, opinions, feel valued

Improved Company Culture overall

Less work-related stress, reduced employee turn-over

Team stability, commitment and work happiness

Supports transition to an open, innovative organization that listens to their employees from bottom to top

Deep insights into individual and team opinions, better understanding of work related issues

Save time on costly performance review meetings that do not provide satisfactory outcomes

Good understanding of individual employment history and development potential

Will complement any standard HR application

Who needs Phoebe©?

Which pains does Phoebe© address?

Lack of open communication, frequent misunderstandings

High Employee Turn-over due to a non-supportive company culture

Unorganized, unmanaged leave systems, complicated approval procedures

Lack of awareness of job role and employee needs

Lack of Knowledge about job related matters, about team situation (who is new, on leave, resigned)

Lengthy, time-consuming performance review meetings that nobody enjoys